Likely Continue to Haunt My Dreams Httpschinahair4ucommodelsff13head1jpg

by Pam Sheppard

As  I continue to read the book of a former grandmaster occultist from  Nigeria, I am amazed at the power of the name of Jesus Christ of  Nazareth over ALL the power of the enemy. "Erik emphatically reports that  none of his nefarious practices ever worked against a true Christian  but only what he refers to as WEAK Christians.  In my estimation, a weak  Christian is no Christian at all.  This is an unsaved person who has  been duped.  The reality is that he or she has a form of godliness that  denies the power of the Holy Ghost.

Anyway, since dreams and  dream interpretation have been a specialty of mine for years, I was  interested in what Eric had to report about them.  He reported that he  manipulated  those under his control by sending them demons to disturb  their dreams. In anticipation of your questions, Eric did not explain HOW  this was done.  What he explains are his various initiations by  providing lots of details. For this reason, I provide no identifying  info about Eric's book.  It is simply too graphic.

For the  purpose of this post, I simply report that Eric revealed that there  are different categories of manipulations that witches and warlocks use  to manipulate dreaming.  Nightmares are generally the result of demons.  Eric does not explain HOW this is done, but simply reports that he sent  demons to people to create dream experiences to bring a dreamer's life  into a catastrophe, such as "bad luck" in business, health, marriage,  relationships, finances, to mention but a few. Through an occult art he  called, Putanivigrah, Eric projected demons against "weak Christians".

These demons used dreams to pursue and fight against the person to whom  they are sent.  Whether a witch was behind it or not, I know from  personal experience what demons try to do to a person while they are  sleep.  It gives new meaning to the children's prayer, "now I lay me  down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep."For example, demons will  come into your sleep for the soul intention of weakening your will to  live, while you are in the altered state of sleep.

In fact, I have had  several dreams like this myself. So when a client comes to me for  deliverance counseling, one of the first forms of information I seek is  a presentation of the client's dreams.  From listening to their dreams,  I can see the agenda of the demons in my client's life.  Most of  my spiritual deception came through dreams sent to me by religious  demons. Each time I married the wrong man, a demon gave me a dream of  the man shortly before I met him. Demons use dreams to make various  suggestions that they try to set me up to follow.  And a demon that I  call "the spirit of death" has tried to cause me to die in my sleep.

They do this by pretending to be a dead person that you may have known  well, respected, or even loved. In the dream, they want you to follow  them with your spirit. The goal? Your death in your sleep.  Here  is the scenario.  Clothed in appearance and even in voice like "the dead  one," the demon will create the dream. The intent is for you to "follow  the dead person." Demons have tried this strategy on me time and time  again.  Here is an example.  My deceased father and his dead girlfriend  are taking me to the Bahamas and my father is paying for the trip. Cy  Sheppard never spent much money on me when he was alive, and the demon  KNEW that.  So in the dream, since it was a free trip, I was eager to  go.

However, whether it be my angel or my own spirit, I can not find  their hotel room.  I roam around Nassau Bahamas, a place that in the  natural, I am familiar with, but I can't find my father and his dead girlfriend.  I believe that if I  did, I would have died in my sleep.  The spirit of death is a  demon whose assignment is to take us out before our time, either through  accident, suicide or homicide. When we are sleep is when we are quite  vulnerable. So the Lord has assigned an angel to guard us against the  Eric's of this world. We must be careful not to provoke our angel with  lies, sin, or pride. That is another subject. DO NOT PROVOKE YOUR ANGEL.

My  purpose is to prepare the elect of God to recognize and overcome strong  religious delusion that pervades the last of the last days, through  COUNSELING, CONSULTATION, TRAINING, MENTORING AND THE PUBLICATION OF  BOOKS, ARTICLES AND STUDY GUIDES. My best work on this subject is the New Idolatry, the latest of the 6 books.


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